Thursday 26 December 2013

Download SMS Bomber Android Aplication

Download SMS Bomber Android AplicationDownload SMS Bomber Android Aplication - Did you get a lot of sms with the same content and the same time? maybe if you are ever a victim of a bomb sms. Sms bomb can not be stopped when it is executed. The effect of this is very dangerous sms bomb that could make a broken cell phone when sms is sent exceeding the capacity of the mobile phone. In android, is very easy to make a bomb sms with a aplkasi called SMS Bomber.

 SMS Bomber is an application that can send SMS with the lot number at the same time or within a certain time vulnerable. The interesting thing about this application is that you can set the number of SMS to be sent and also the vulnerable period between sms each other. That way you can adjust as you like to send sms bomb.

 How to use SMS Bomber fatherly android app is easy enough:
1 . Download and install SMS Bomber apk
2. Go to the application SMS Bomber
3. Type the number targets
4. Type the number of SMS to be sent
5. Choose vulnerable period vulnerable period ata not wear
6. Type the message to be conveyed .
7. Send sms

Download SMS Bomber Android

 SMS Bomber app I think it is quite dangerous because it can damage the target phone. If you send sms in large numbers and at the same time while the phone is used the target only has a capacity that is less then the phone can not function properly. Example: when the phone is used the target has a capacity of 500 and you send sms 1000 sms then the phone will be excess capacity so that the phone could be damaged or blank. So redeeming this application properly and wisely.

 So how to cope with SMS Bomber? Overcoming bomb sms is also very easy. If you're hit by a bomb sms then immediately turn off your mobile phone and do not activate your card for 24 hours. When this way of making you bother then there aplkasi to overcome sms bomb that the Anti SMS Bomber premises applications. With this application you do not have to worry about SMS Bomber.

 Anti SMS Bomber is to filter and block the application with the same content sms sent by the same number. With this application sma any content that is sent when the sender and the same then only one incoming sms to inbok while others do not enter and no notice of the Anti SMS Bomber.

 How to use Anti SMS Bomber also easy enough:
1. Download and install Anti SMS Bomber
2. Open the application
3. Click ON
Download SMS Bomber

 In this way the application of the Anti SMS Bomber active and you will not be exposed to sms bomb attack during the aplkasi ON continuously. The application will be always ON when not turned off. If you use SMS Bomber then I suggest fatherly use wisely and use also Anti SMS Bomber to anticipate a counterattack if you just bombard people with sms.

If you bombard everyone else but you yourself can also bombarded bother yourself then you will be ridiculed and others.

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