Download Game Naruto Adventure 3D Apk Android - There have been many games Naruto for android that I share with you my favorite blog Among them are Naruto Shippuden Senki, Naruto X Fight Shadow Blade, Ninja Online and Naruto Shippuden Naruto Narutimate Accel 3. Games could you run on android smoothly and have the same genre that fight but has a different way of playing.
In addition to the Naruto games I mentioned above, I found another Naruto game very exciting and has a nice graph, namely Naruto Adventure 3D. In this game there are three characters that you can choose which Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. Once you select a character then you will be given a tutorial neighbor how to play and fight. When turorial fight it all the abilities of each character has been opened, but after the tutorial is completed, the only one skill that is open to all skill then you have to raise your level.
Note: This game is Online